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CURRENT INITIATIVES (don't miss them!)

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Ganes d'explorar? 

“Sa Dragonera se submergeix en la #ciènciaciutadana” és un taller amb una part teòrica i una altra pràctica, a càrrec d'Observadores del Mar, Save the Med i la direcció del Parc Natural. Gràcies a les cameras que ens ha facilitat #MARE.


Divendres 12 d'agost
9:30, trobada al Moll de Sant Elm
Places limitades!

Inscripció a
El transport no està cobert


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Com a nucli urbà en contacte directe amb la mar i en comptar amb una reserva marina de 1369 ha, els comerciants de Sant Elm han decidit implicar-se i veure quines possibilitats tenen des dels seus negocis de cuidar proactivament el seu entorn i situar-se en l'avantguarda de la reducció de l'ús de plàstics. Gairebé vint establiments han decidit sumar-se a la iniciativa i han participat en el taller "Sant Elm Sense Plastic" de la Fundació Save The Med al desembre 2020. 

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Exposició oberta al públic i gratuïta de 13 de Octubre al 8 de gener del 2023. Consorci del Museu Marítim de Mallorca a Palma. 

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Ja has vist el disseny de la samarreta de la Reserva Marina de Sa Dragonera?

Amb la seva compra estaràs donant suport al nostre projecte i impulsant la cura i regeneració de la seva rica biodiversitat.
La il·lustració és obra de l'artista local Javier Pérez de Amézaga Tomás.

Ja podeu adquirir-la a la botiga online de Save the Med (link a la foto) i a la botiga Just Sant Elm.



The Audiovisual comeptition MARE ( aims to highlight the ecological values of the Balearic Sea through photography. The competition has different categories and levels and great prizes.


The Dragonera Blava network joins forces with MARE and FotoColab to promote photographs of the Sa Dragonera Marine Protected Area. The objective is to use photos to exhibit, engage and organise environmental education days for science communication and to promote the regeneration of ecosystems in Sa Dragonera.


Andratx City Council started the "the sea starts here" initiative with 5th and 6th grade students from CEIP Es Vinyet and Col·legi Ramon Llull: an artistic intervention in the streets to remind everyone that any waste treated improperly can easily reach the waters of the Marine Reserve of Sa Dragonera. Before painting the manholes, students received an introduction by Save The Med Foundation about the benefits ​​of living near a Marine Protected Area and how to care for it.

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MARE FotoColab 2021

The MARE Audiovisual Contest ( aims to make visible the ecological values of the Balearic Sea through photography. The contest has different categories and levels, with many interesting prizes.


This year the Blue Dragonera Network joins forces with MARE and integrates the FotoColab per  to make visible and promote photographs of the Marine Protected Area (AMP) of Sa Dragonera. Our goal is to use the photographs taken of Sa Dragonera for exhibitions, environmental education and scientific dissemination days  to promote the enhancement and regeneration of marine ecosystems in Sa Dragonera.


The Sa Dragonera awarness-raising sessions will take place on the 5th and 6th of November in the plenary hall of the Town Hall of Andratx and on the 7th in Sant Telm. The first and most important objective is to continue strengthening the community that surrounds Sa Dragonera, secondly to share information about the local initiatives that are being carried out, the evolution of the marine life at Sa Dragonera and finally to work together on marine custody and community involvement.


Underwater photography workshops in collaboration with the MARE photography contest and different sectors of the area such as the business Keida Kayak. Directed to the population of the municipality of Andratx. To see images of the two workshops click on the image and on the title.

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